Steel Rose Music

Skoshe, a remote project, spanning 3 states, is made up of Keith A Varney, Ben Bagby, Jim Meyers, and myself, Rosemary. Keith composes and plays the music. How talented! Ben directs the music (me), engineers and he also sings back up. What a beautiful voice! Jim is new to us, and doing good! He’s a renaissance man. They are all renaissance men! Without them, this project would not exist. They add everything to it, bringing such direction! Lastly, there’s me, Skoshe. My late eldest brother (Godfather) gave me the nickname and it stuck. I write the lyrics and do my best at singing. I decided to offer a webpage that showcases my lyrics and poems that you will find in each individual book. Just tap on each page to read. I hope you do and sing along or just enjoy!

Skoshe, a remote project, spanning 3 states, is made up of Keith A Varney, Ben Bagby, Jim Meyers, and myself, Rosemary. Keith composes and plays the music. How talented! Ben directs the music (me), engineers and he also sings back up. What a beautiful voice! Jim is new to us, and doing good! He’s a renaissance man. They are all renaissance men! Without them, this project would not exist. They add everything to it, bringing such direction! Lastly, there’s me, Skoshe. My late eldest brother (Godfather) gave me the nickname and it stuck. I write the lyrics and do my best at singing. I decided to offer a webpage that showcases my lyrics and poems that you will find in each individual book. Just tap on each page to read. I hope you do and sing along or just enjoy!
I write about life. What was either a memory or related to a current event. The lyrics for Stained Glass, obviously are about women. With Bipolar, it was my insight to manic emotional responses, that I experienced without meds, as I am expert on that, for I am. I went through a divorce, and I had to download all that darkness, that I was feeling. It was a rollercoaster, that eventually stopped. They say it is like mourning a death. I was able to pick up pieces of my heart, then put those into this project, giving a little life, into Trade Off of Hearts. Don’t Do as I Did, was an enormously emotional journey, of trying to summarize a life lived, taking into consideration, so many mistakes. Hoodoo Kudos was in reference to Robert Johnson, better known as the king of the blues. Nights Calling Your Name, The Letter, He Taught Himself that: and Never Love are my take on love songs. Punchline, well you get it. I hope you can relate to the lyrics and feel inspired.


I write about life. What was either a memory or related to a current event. The lyrics for Stained Glass, obviously are about women. With Bipolar, it was my insight to manic emotional responses, that I experienced by without meds, as I am expert on that, for I am. I went through a divorce, and I had to download all that darkness, that I was feeling. It was a rollercoaster, that eventually stopped. They say it is like morning a death. I was able to pick up pieces of my heart, then put those into this project, giving a little life, into Trade Off of Hearts. Don’t Do as I Did, was an enormously emotional journey, of trying to summarize a life lived, taking into consideration, so many mistakes. Hoodoo Kudos was in reference to Robert Johnson, better known as the king of the blues. Nights Calling Your Name, The Letter, He Taught Himself and Never Love are my take on love songs. Punchline, well you get it. I hope you can relate to the lyrics and feel inspired.

My eldest sister tells me I am a poet. So many times, I scribbled words that rhymed and the paper blew away. So now I am entering my thoughts, sometimes concise, and sometimes jumbled, onto the internet. I first fell in love with poetry writings as a teenager in a creative writing class, like so many others do. I’m not trying to prove anything. I get affected by so much of what is going on at this time, in this unchartered, crazy world we live in and this is how I “talk about it.” This is where I get to be my authentic self. Everybody should be, right?!
If you have something to say, drop a line. I’d love to hear from you!

My eldest sister tells me I am a poet. So many times, I scribbled words that rhymed and the paper blue away. So now I am entering my thoughts, sometimes concise, and sometimes jumbled, onto the internet. I first fell in love with poetry writings as a teenager in a creative writing class, like so many others do. I’m not trying to prove anything. I get affected by so much of what is going on at this time, in this unchartered, crazy world we live in and this is how I “talk about it.” This is where I get to be my authentic self. Everybody should be, right?!
If you have something to say, drop a line. I’d love to hear from you!
I write about life. What was either a memory or related to a current event. The lyrics for Stained Glass, obviously are about women. With Bipolar, it was insight to manic emotional responses, that could be experienced by others that have that condition, as I am expert on that, for I am. I went through a divorce, and I had to download all that darkness, that I was feeling. It was a rollercoaster, that eventually stopped. They say it is like morning a death. I was able to pick up pieces of my heart and then put those into this project, giving a little life, into Trade Off of Hearts. Don’t Do as I Did, was an enormously emotional journey, of trying to summarize a life lived, taking into consideration, so many mistakes. Hoodoo Kudos was in reference to Robert Johnson, better known as the king of the blues. Nights Calling your name and The Letter are my take on love songs. So I hope you can relate to the lyrics and feel inspired.